About TFP Financial Services

TFP stands for Two Fathers Providing. This company was created to help any individual or small business with their taxes and credit. The objective is not to be just another company. TFP (Two Fathers Providing) has a desire to help communities and small businesses succeed in leveraging their financial situation – creating a brighter pathway for them, their families and communities.

TFP wants the best for families and communities. We truly do our best to provide the highest quality of service and customer satisfaction.

So having going learned the hard way about the facts of life when it comes to finances, I’ve partnered with my son’s Step-Father, Chris Isom, who shares the same vision as I. We have a very unique and special relationship: professionally, spiritually, and with our family. We know what matters the most when you are the provider for your family. We have put together a successful team dedicated to helping others leverage their financial success. We want to be able to help you!

Personal Story From Greg Washington (Partner)

Since I was young I’ve been trying to figure out the best possible way to provide for family. I didn’t know that co-signing for cars and shopping for the best interest rates was going to hurt my credit. I also didn’t realize until later in life that by taking the time out my day to keep my receipts and organize them would help me optimize my tax returns. I just figured as long as I was working, I could provide for my family. We here at TFP Tax Center are committed to helping you drive your financial future in the direction you need it to go.

In my case, thinking that becoming a professional athlete or a proud Army Officer would make life easier. Having experienced life, I realized two things: 1) that no matter what profession or job you have, you are a hero and role model to your kids and family. 2) That you need to be mindful of your credit and spending habits.